According to the
Vail Daily about 50 people from Summit and Eagle counties rallied against federal spending of tax dollars. As the crowd walked down Main Street, in Frisco, chanting that they had already been taxed enough and told the government to stop spending now. No one likes taxes but how else is our government supposed to get the money necessary to run itself. The people who were demonstrating seem to see the US as becoming socialist, or as one man put it fascist. We’ll see what happens to

our nation, but for some reason it seems like we won’t become the next fascist nation.

According to the
Arizona Daily Sun community colleges across the country are seeing an increase in their classes that train students to work in what has been termed green collar jobs. These types of jobs include solar panel construction and installation, wind turbine construction and installation. The move towards green jobs seems like it may be a way out of the problems with the economy. The more new jobs we can create the sooner the economy will right itself. This movement was started with President Barrack Obama’s drive to promote alternative energy systems. This movement will, hopefully, produce millions of jobs.
Ben Rogers
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