Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Time for Direct Action?

During a discussion last month at a gathering of the Clinton Global Initiative, Al Gore called on young people to engage in civil disobedience to stop new coal-fired power plants from being built. Reports indicate that President Clinton, who was moderating the discussion, quickly moved the discussion on to another topic.

I was able to find a partial transcript.

Also of note is Gore's hammering of "clean coal" as an illusion. Joe Biden recently said something similar in a rope line, but was then quickly reigned in by the Obama campaign that is courting votes in coal-producing states, such as Colorado.

I think everyone is holding their breath right now waiting for the election to see which way the energy debate is going to tip. Obama has said that Gore would be a close advisor on climate issues. A recent article in the Durango Herald discussed "clean coal" and its nebulous meaning.

What do you think? Is civil disobedience a good strategy to stop coal-fired power plants? What about China's plans to build numerous power plants to spur their economy? What should young people do? Is there potential for students in the U.S. to work with students in China to stop what Gore called at the Clinton Global Initiative "insanity."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where do i sign up? It looks like we need to do more than just stop the non-existant clean coal plants. we need to stop current thinking that has made this town to having as bad of air quality as Los Angeles, we need to stop convential coal plants and mining, unmitigated oil and gas mining, new nuclear power plants, and on and on. the question for a lot of activists for clean coal is not where do we act, but why are we even having to act? do people know that there is no working coal burning plant that can be considered coal? do people know that the train(s) are more polluting than a small coal plant which burns a similar amount of coal? or are we just numbing ourselves to nostalgia, because coal is the goal of Obama's and McCain's campaigns. there is sh@#loads of it in this country, and swing states. like us may make or break this election, because of fossil fuels.